Friday, May 9, 2008

New Map of West Beirut

Here is a map of the current geography of power in West Beirut, courtesy of Now Lebanon. This doesn't break the divisions down into which element of the opposition (Hezbollah, Amal, and/or Syrian Social Nationalist Party) is controlling which neighborhood, but it does give you an idea of the extent that the opposition in general now controls. But take note of the heading here: "Beirut under siege" and the choice of color--as if the city is drowning in blood. Although Now Lebanon is not nearly as partisan as some other blogs I've been reading, it is generally a pro-government website.

That said, this article from Now Lebanon gives a good summary of the situation up to now.

The latest news is that Hezbollah is now operating in the Chouf, the area southeast of Beirut, which is predominantly Druze and loyal to March 14th MP, Walid Jumblat.

Two Hezbollah fighters died in Aley, a town in the Chouf, earlier this evening. Officially, thirteen people have died from the current conflict, though given the virtually constant gunfire between 7:00 p.m. yesterday and noon today, I find that number hard to believe.

Beirut has never been quieter than it has been this evening since I arrived last fall . In my neighborhood at least, there is not a car on the street, nor a gunshot in the air. As a friend just remarked, it's like being at the top of Mount Everest.

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