Friday, May 16, 2008

The Waiting Game

Representatives of the March 14th governing coalition and the March 8th opposition have now arrived in Doha, Qatar, where they are working with the Arab Delegation toward reaching a solution to the seventeen month-old political crisis. The key issues here are a unity government, which could give Hezbollah and its allies more power; electoral reform, which might result in the election of army commander Michel Suleiman as president of Lebanon; and Hezbollah's tent encampment, which has been occupying downtown Beirut since December 2006.

As the Lebanese politicians prepared for their trip to Doha, a group of people who had been disabled during the 1975-1990 Civil War demonstrated on the road to the airport. Their signs read, "IF YOU DON'T AGREE, DON'T COME BACK!"

In other news, AUB announced today that classes will resume on Monday.

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